Dr. Sanjiv Kapil Scholarship Fund

Congratulations, Robbie!
Through my cancer diagnoses the one thing that held true was that there really isn’t anyone there for you, to help you, to tell you that things aren’t as bad as they look. I mean they sent in a social worker to give us some brochures and assorted information, but no one came in and countered the doctors “12 to 14 months to live” with a “this is how I did It” or an “everything will be ok”. I had to do that for my whole family, and I don’t just mean my parents, siblings, and grandparents, I also mean every person who since then has been a part of this big journey, and has kept me going the whole way. This lead to a bit of thought, what if I could do what I do for my family, for other cancer patients? I tried to start a program with the hospital I had my surgeries done at, but that capped out at my nurses sending me a cancer patients number any time they treat them so I could talk them through it. Then I went to relay for life, as all cancer patients do, and started reaching out to those who I could tell needed it. Which is where I met Ryder, the true inspiration for my new life goal to help people and especially kids, with this battle I face. Ryder was a 6 year old boy with the exact same cancer I face today, only his was stage four, and was in a place they couldn’t operate easily in. Long story short, a year later, at the relay for life the next year, we found out that Ryder had lost his fight, and had passed before I got to really help him. Trust me this didn’t stop me, and still doesn’t, from connecting with and mourning him, every day. Since then it has been hard to connect with other patients on that level, but that hasn’t stopped me from trying my best to keep every one I meet smiling and hoping for better results every MRI they have done.
Going back to a college standpoint, I have thought and thought on how I could take that drive and passion to help cancer patients like me make their battle less daunting and frightening, and I also drew from an interest in Behavioral psychological profiling, which I got from watching all those cop shows where they use a profiler to prodict the criminals next move, and I spoke with a career counselor at my college about how to take what I have interest and passion wise, and use it to do as I said and help other warriors. That brought me to a possible counseling direction, which not only is where im headed now, but happens to be the masters degree that my family hero, my grandfather, holds.
So again to make a long story short, I am mid battle in the war that we call cancer, I am the soldier that leaves no man, woman, or child behind, and im just looking to push my way to a point of knowledge where I can help other warriors with there battle, and maybe gain a little expertise along the way so I can finally be the smartest person at one subject when in full argument with a family member. All in all im looking to help people that need it, like I once did 5 years ago, and like the people in my life, like my grandfather, have helped me.
It isn’t just school to me, this is a journey I take, a battle I face, a war I stand in the middle of, and what I need is a shield to protect not only those I love and care for, but those warriors who haven’t learned to shield themselves yet. THAT is what a degree is to me, another shield I can wield against the dragon named Cancer and the fire it breathes upon the warriors who face him.

Thank you MEC for your generous donation.

We met Sanjiv in the Summer of 1982 at our Alma Mater Maulana Azad Medical College New Delhi, India. From thereon started a beautiful Journey of friendship deeper than the deepest ocean; of admiration and respect for each other; of becoming a part of each other immediate and extended family members.
Sanjiv was a compassionate medical doctor, and a best friend anyone could ask for. He touched everyone he met with his sensitivity, patience, and love. Sanjiv was the most amazing person who had a lasting impact on many lives, whether they were his patients, acquaintance, family or friends. His positive attitude, love for life and passion for his profession was inspiring.
A family man who valued the family. He took care of his elderly parents till his last breath. He loved his wife and adored his children. He did everything he could to make sure his family is taken care of not out of obligation but because it was important to him.
Sanjiv always felt personally responsible for anyone that was struggling in their life. In keeping with his dream and vision for making lives of people better, his family has started an education fund for children who have lost one or both parents.
Soar high My friend … make a world a better place…..we miss you very much .
Drs. Sanjiv Gupta & Sanjay Mehra
“I had known Dr Kapil for past 15 years as a fellow doctor and a father with same age kids.
It started as an acquaintance and translated into one of the strongest relations humans are capable of friendship.
Besides being an exceptional doctor he was an exceptional human being who was sensitive to depths unimaginable to me. He was someone who in my 15 years of association never criticized a single person. He had immense knowledge and understanding but was able to find a reason to see the good in everyone. He would not offend anyone’s feelings even if contradicted his own thoughts. He valued and enjoyed human relations more than his own expressions and momentary victories.
Even in the stage of cancer treatment he tried to be an ideal patient, an ideal husband. an ideal friend and took it in his stride and even mentioned once to me that at this stage of life he has a role to play. I think he played his role in every field to great success and he did not loose any fights. He actually conquered all phases of his life. Even after his passing he would have wanted to help others and this charity will be a great expression of who he was.”

“Dr. Sanjiv Kapil was a kind, knowledgeable, and well-respected board-certified rheumatologist who faithfully served both Seminole and Volusia counties for the last 15 years. He was well liked by his patients, respected by his peers, and dedicated his life to serving his community and helping patients in their times of health and illness. He was also involved in various charities and organizations aimed at helping his community and found it particularly gratifying to help those around him thrive.
He was a strong proponent of furthering the advancement of medicine, including the development of new treatments for rheumatological diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus. He acted as Principal Investigator on many pivotal trials which culminated in bringing many well-known medications to market, positively impacting countless lives.
Dr. Kapil lost his courageous battle with lung cancer on March 7, 2019 and it is in his honor that we have created a scholarship fund in order to help young adults who have lost their parents also due to cancer the chance to succeed.”